Sunday, June 10, 2012

Kamie: Trying....

Well, I'm posting again now... It didn't work earlier because it didn't save and my computer crashed... so yeah... I'll make two posts after this about Rachel and Chelsea. I am now officially a Senior! Shocking and weird isn't it? It feels weird that I just got out of school Friday! It was a bittersweet day, I was arch-bearer which is a high honor for us at least, and my two closest friends, practically sisters graduated along with my boyfriend... very bittersweet. I was also invited to Sober Grad Night for the grads, and it was a lot of fun, just draining. It was 10pm - 3am... very long night. I just ordered my summer reading for 12 AP English, which will be a very hard class. I love the teacher but it's just a rigorous class in a whole! The book we have to read is called East of Eden by John Steinback. I've never been a big fan of Steinback's work, but it could always be worst, I just find his writing bland, blunt, and just dry in all. This summer will be full of a whole bunch of stuff I'm going to be hopefully making constant trips down to So. Cal., nevertheless hopefully going up to Yerington for a bit and seeing a couple of my friends up there, along with hopefully visiting UNT sometime over this summer. I'm also trying to convince my dad into getting a train pass since it's cheaper for students and maybe visiting Ohio University, if I am capable of doing that Cori, I will let you know when, if you're interested. In August I get to go to Kin-Yoobi Con, and then I have Link Crew almost immediately after that, then Freshman orientation, then schedules and the first day of school, not including reading that darn book... so yeah I will be very preoccupied. I'm also hoping on writing some more this summer which might actually work out for once, so wish me luck there. Yeah, that should be good for now, now onto my posts on Chelsea and Rachel!

-Kamiella Maze


  1. VISIT OHIO UNIVERSITY!!! I really hope you can, because I've wanted to meet you in person for so many years now that it's not even funny!
    John Steinback...I've actually never heard of him. I don't like the sound of him though xD! I'll be wary of novels by him.
    It IS weird to think of you as a senior. When I met you, you were about to go into sophmore year or in it already, right?

  2. I hope I can! I'll let you know if I do go up there! :D And it would be funny to actually meet you in person!
    John Steinback... novels of Hell... in my Sophomore year I think it was I had to read Steinback's The Mice of Men or whatever it's called and it was ihhh, but what I hated the most was eighth grade year's The Pearl! Never read it if you don't have to! That was my introduction to Steinback and it gave me a bad taste in the idea of reading him! Now I get to read East of Eden which I have heard is good and then I have to read Grapes of Wrath which I believe is also by him if I'm not mistaken (which I very well might be at this time of night for me).
    And yeah saying that I'm a senior will take some getting used to... and yeah I think I was becoming a sophomore when I met you, and you were becoming an eighth grader. I think it was couple days after your birthday when I met you!

