Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cori: I'll be back in five days.

Well, technically, I'll be back before then; my grandma found her plug-in for the internet today and called to tell me. She also convinced her friend Candy to let her borrow a laptop. So I shall have internet, sort of! =D!

If you haven't guessed...I'll be going to my grandma's tomorrow. And this time I actually will be, haha. I'm all packed and ready to go!

You know, I think I've developed insomnia. Or...worse insomnia. I've pretty much had a mild version of it since I was five. But I've been literally unable to sleep for the past few days. I'll just lay in bed, completely wide awake, all night until it's six in the morning and I finally fall asleep.It's kind of pissing me off, to be honest. But as long as I'm sleeping (even if it is during the day), that's okay with me. But what's my grandma going to think? Lawl.

I haven't done any writing at all lately...(groan). I really need to. Jamie, get your ass online so we can work on our book! >;D

So I finally found my PSP today, and spent hours sitting on the couch playing Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core. Then I downloaded the original Final Fantasy VII and sat around playing that until eleven thirty at night. I freaking love FF7, if you can't tell; it's my most favorite game of all time. Vincent Valentine (<3) is a sexy beast. So is Cloud. And Sephiroth. And Zack. And Genesis. And Angeal. And Tifa (yes, I really did say that).

Okay, well, I think I'm going to go keep playing Crisis Core. Zack still needs to kill Angeal, which I've been trying to do for about three months now. The guy just won't die already. Neither will Reno on the original game.

Haha bye.

EDIT: Do you like the quote that I chose? You should check out the full poem; it's amazing.

1 comment:

  1. You should Skype me at your Grandma's! And I'm sorry! I'm always on when you're not! DX Well, yeah I'll try and be on tomorrow, I don't see why I won't be. :) Yeah! Love the quote by the way! :)

