Monday, June 18, 2012

Rachel: I love you all.......

Okay, I'm going to attempt to keep my thoughts organized and concise in this post because there is several things that I want to talk about. We'll see how well that goes (especially the concise part) but I'll try my best.

First of all, I want to apologize for the ridiculously long post about (six, was it?) of my characters. Especially to Jamie, who it was directed at. But in addition to being sorry that you all had to read it, I am also super glad that I wrote it because all of you decided to do one as well. Yours were all shorter, better-written, more descriptive, and basically more amazing than mine, but I do not care because I am still way too happy about getting to read them to get depressed about my now comparatively one-dimensional characters. I swear, you people are all AWESOME. Just saying. Your ideas sound incredible and your characters blew me away. That is all there is to it.

Secondly, I wanted to talk about one of the comments that Jamie put on my last post, I think it was, about how we should fill out charrie resumes on all of our characters so that we can all get to know one another's brain children a little better. I happen to think that that is a fabulous idea, mostly because I am hopelessly in love with all of my characters and possibly all of yours (I'm trying to take it slow :p). I don't have the most updated charrie resume, but I figure that that could be easily arranged; someone who DOES have it can just email it to me if they have the time and if we decide we want to do it. I, for one, obviously think we should.

Lastly, I wanted to ask for help from anyone who is interested and has the time. I know that some of you are bogged down with school work and that others are either wrapped up in their own stories (understandable) or summer vacation, but to those of you who have some free time and brainpower I request your assistance. As you may or may not have deduced from my obscenely long character post, I have run into some trouble while writing my book, Death List. The problem is this: because I am writing it in a style where it is told from many different points of view through many different characters, I consequently have many different plots within a plot. There is one, gigantic basic plot of the entire book, and then there are the numerous adventures and stories of the characters through which the book is told as they embark on their various journeys and attempt to accomplish their various goals. Does that make sense? I'll pretend it does and keep talking. So if I didn't totally suck, I would have no issues with coming up with all of these plots. But, sadly, I do totally suck. Thus, I am in need of your help if you're willing to give it. Here's what I kind of need, or, rather, would like. Oh, and really quickly, don't get the wrong idea; I could fix this problem myself, but I really enjoy outside help because it's nice to have another person's take on things and to hear another person's ideas. Sometimes the things that someone comes up with surprise me, as I would never have thought of their suggestions myself. Also, your guys' ideas all sound so incredible that I would be seriously lucky to have some of your brainpower woven into the plot. Anyway, if you can help me out, here's what we/you/I/whoever can do:

Firstly, pick a person. I don't expect you to help me out with every intricate twist and turn that occurs with them or even help me to connect their plot to the book's plot as a whole--that's my job. All I request is that you pick a character that you like so we can just focus on what's going on with them. If you hate all of my characters, that's okay; I have three more who the book is told through that I didn't describe last night. If you  hate them as well...well, thanks for trying :)

Assuming you find a character you like, let me know, and I'll type up a detailed description of what I know so far about the book (unsurprisingly, I do not have it all planned out yet) and about what has happened to your character so far so that you can feel educated about what on Earth you're helping out with. With some of them I have a vague idea about where I want them to go in the near future, but "the near future" is as far into the future as I've got before the end. That's a thing that makes this a little easier; I know where I want them to end up. I just need help getting them there...which pretty much hits the nail on the head. What I specifically need help on is getting some of these guys from point A to point B, and an outsider's opinion/ideas would really help. I don't know why I took so long to specify what exactly it is I'm asking for, but whatever.

One more thing. Jamie has already agreed to lend me her brain once she gets the time, so, seriously, don't feel obligated to do ANYTHING if you don't genuinely want to. I won't feel awkward if nobody feels like giving me a hand. In fact, if you don't want to, it is probably a testament to your sanity, so good on you.

Well, I totally blew it on being concise. Better luck next time, me.



  1. I'll help as soon as I can!

    Admittedly, likely not that soon.


  2. Well, seeing as I am the creator of the infamous character resume, and thus the one who makes all of the updates, I'll send it to you effective immediately! What is your email address?

    Also, I'll help you as much as I can, all right? If you want, I can even help with making your characters more "three dimensional."


    1. Yes please to both of those things! And my email address is

  3. So Iridian, I think I'd like to help you with them all, because I've been really inspired lately. Get on Yahoo! Messenger whenever and I'll help you out. Maybe you can help me out with my new idea and we can talk Phoenix and Lyric!


    1. Of course! Just let me know when you're available and I'll see if I am also!

