Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nat: An Introduction

This post is mainly just for Rachel and Chelsea, although old members: read on, and you may find out something you didn't know about me before. ;)
My real name is Ashton, but when I first joined the blog way back in the beginning I was going by the pen name Nat. Which is why you might be confused when people call me Ashton/Nat/Ash. I don't really have a preference which one you call me, most people say Ash, but I still title all my posts with Nat, just because it's tradition.
Anyway. Enough rambling. About me. I'm 18, I also live in Canada (just like Heather, although we've still never met, unfortunately). I am a total theatre junkie. I love acting, technical theatre, design, absolutely anything to do with theatre. I'm graduating from high school in 2 weeks, then going to university to become a nurse. At least, that's the plan right now. It's subject to change pretty much any minute.
Heather: I think the revamp is an excellent idea, and I am jealous that you have (had?) chai herbal tea.
Everyone: The last few posts have been very entertaining and clever and have made me laugh. Please continue. I like laughing. :)

So far, the addition of new members has helped us start posting more. Keep up the excellent work, ladies!

-Nat? Ash? Ashton?
meh. whatever.


  1. Right on--another theatre addict. I don't act, but I do a lot of stage crew/behind-the-scenes work. Jamie told me that some of the people on here liked the theatre, and now I know at least one of you. Cool to meet you, Ash! :)



    And Ash, I have so much tea, and it's absolutely ridiculous, and delicious and yum.

    And, personally, I like the 'meh. whatever.'

    - meh. whatever.

  3. Heather, I have this totally amazing pomegranite tea, as well as raspberry iced tea. I used to have lime tea, but sadly that's all gone now. Do you take yours with sugar, milk, or just plain?

