Monday, June 11, 2012

Kamie: Chelsea

Yeah so this girl here is Chelsea! Sorry about the photo this was graduation for her! You have my boyfriend Cody trying to sneak in on the very left, myself, and her all for your seeing pleasure! xD So yeah Chelsea is amazing! She loves poetry to death and she's trying to get back into writing again. We're also hoping to start a collab together, oh did I forget to mention that Rachel and I have a whole bunch of collabs together? Just thought I might mention it. Anywho, Chelsea is such a sweet young lady who just graduated Friday. We've recently started hanging out a lot together and she's one of my dearest friends. She's super dorky just like Rachel and I, and is a lot of fun to be around. She's hilarious and easy to crack jokes and have her spit drinks all over me... sorry inside joke there. But yeah she's super awesome, her goal right now is to become a prosecutor in court I think it's what it's called and then she wants to work her way up to becoming a judge. She has a beautiful voice that I've had the privilege of hearing and I hope to work with her on her singing with a piano accompaniment in time! If she will ever let me... Um... she's a fantasy writer along with Rachel, and I think they have both seen this blog before once or twice when I've posted and have been with them so yeah! There you have it! There are both of my two recruits for the time being! Hope you accept both of them! Maybe I'll add to Rachel's later... I couldn't really think when I did hers, I had a headache!

-Kamiella Maze


  1. Both these girls seem awesome and like they would be a good addition to the blog, however you have to make sure they are actually serious about writing. also, that they will post often, as well. I'm just wary of adding new people, fearing that they won't really help with the not posting problem, if they aren't serious about it.


  2. To add on to my comment on the post below, as long as they're willing to post often and make a bunch of super awesome friends. :D


  3. I talked to Rachel so far and she is an avid writer and she said she'd be dedicated to posting. I'll make sure from both however. Hey how exactly do you add anyone onto here?

  4. And Rachel is an extremely serious writer. Chelsea is getting back into it while she's serious in poetry.


  5. All you have to do is go to the page where you can edit things on the blog.. er, I think it has a name, but I can't think of it. Or you can just click 'new post' from this page, then click on the 'close' button, then it should go to a a page that has an orange 'new post' button on the left hand side, and below that, a list of things that starts with 'Overview' the last thing on the list is 'Settings' click on that and scroll down to add authors. You have to add in their e-mail, then she/they will have to accept, and then their on. I'm excited for their intro posts! :)
    Do it sooon!! As in right now. :D


  6. I hope that wasn't too confusing...

