Friday, June 15, 2012

Cori: My tongue is numb.

Ever since I grew teeth out of my gums, I've had a very bad habit that involves slight mutilation and possible cannibalism, something that is not accepted in most societies. I just so happen to tear up and chew the insides of my cheeks and lips. The inside of my mouth is scarred horribly.

Lately, I've developed a cancer sore from both my braces and my little habit. It's located on the inside of my bottom lip and, frankly, it hurts like a bitch.

So my mom got me this lovely oral medicine that makes the pain go away!

The stuff is this super pretty orange-gold gel stuff that, when applied, gives you a warm and tingly sensation. Then the entire area goes numb.

A little while ago I put some of the stuff on, and accidentally put on too much. My spit moved the stuff around, my tastebuds burned to death from the overpowering mint flavor, and suddenly my tongue went numb. And my cheeks. And both my lips. And now my entire mouth is warm and tingly and it feels stupendous.

So...yeah. That's basically all that I've done today, is get mildly high off of pretty orange numbing gel. Oh, and I made a crapload of party decorations! Yay for party decorations and tingly gels!


  1. Canker sore, you mean?

    And, sounds... fun?


  2. Canker sore? THAT'S how you spell it? I feel like an idiot.
    And, it was! =D

