Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rachel: First post EVER

Okay, so this is my first post, obviously. Let me apologize in advance for being ridiculously lame for a while; I've never had a blog or anything before, so Jamie (who I'm sitting next to right now) had to go and show me exactly what on earth a blog is. So...yeah. I plan to be on here often, at least during the summer, and hopefully once school starts up again I'll still be avid about it. Thanks for letting me on, everyone! Oh, by the way, I would prefer it if everyone calls me by my pen name, Iridian. That's just sort of an explanation for how I'm signing this.



  1. Yay!!! Iridian! Welcome! I am glad you have joined! I can't wait to see how you design your page! :)


  2. Welcome to the blog!
    Blogging is easy (though for the technologically impaired like myself, also hard), so I'm sure you'll be used to it soon enough. :)
    I think it'll be really nice to have a couple of fresh faces on here!


  3. Hi! I'm Cori. And don't worry - before I joined this, I had never even heard of a blog. But I did okay, so I'm sure you will too!
    Why do you like to be called Iridian? It's an awesome name. Do you use it in your books?

