Friday, June 15, 2012

Rachel: Not an interesting post, but whatever, I'm in the mood.

I really don't have anything interesting to say, but I just felt like being on here and sharing my boring life with the world. I honestly should be writing right now, and I'm about to (I swear) but I'm one of those people who always gets distracted with something else, so that's what's going on here. Actually, if we're being honest, i should be doing something like cleaning or taking a jog (I should be training to climb Mt. Whitney) or doing something like that, but obviously none of that is going to happen if I don't get to finish the chapter I'm on.

In other news, it looks like it might like to rain at my house, which is amazing :) I personally love the rain (what a cliche, I know) and find it very inspiring weather for writing, especially if there is an epic battle going on or something. Sadly, there are no epic battles occurring in my book(s) for a while...but oh, well. That doesn't mean I can't still be in an inspired-ish mood.

Let's see...I should stop posting now because anyone who is reading this is certainly dying of boredom, but I'm a horrible person and am going to continue talking, muwahahahahaha! For those of you who are not already aware--which is most of you, I believe--I live in the mountains, and there is not much to do up here other than hike, be a nerd and do things that are nerdy, and bother people on this blog. This is why I am being such a nuisance.

This is completely random, but my brother and father are talking about how "video killed the radio star" right now, and I figured that I might as well share something funny at the end of all this rambling.

My father: "Rachel?"
Me: "Yes?"
My father: "Did you know that video killed the radio star?"
Me: "Yes, I did, and I was sorry to hear it."
My brother: "I'm just glad that video was thrown in jail. It deserves to die for what it did."
My father: *proceeds to sing the corresponding song in a croaky old woman voice*

I think the thing that makes this entertaining is the fact that none of us are sitting in the same room. Imagine three people yelling these things across the house at each other. Ah, my dad's house is a magical realm...



  1. I love your dad's house! Some great memories of hiking, running around, playing music, and writing up there! :D Speaking of which how are your fish? Oh and I'm so glad you're posting a lot since I've been slacking... I think I'll post now... Oh! And we should IM about one of our books or something, even though I don't have Phoenix and Lyric or Ember with me right now! Oh! One more thing! I found my name notebook again! Yay! :D

    That was one of my favorite songs as a kid. I still love it.
    Anyway...Rain is amazing.

