Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rachel: That awkward moment when you are re-reading something you already wrote and you realize...

...that you were obviously supposed to do something with it but forgot about it. You know what I mean? Since that first bit was confusing, let me clarify.

I'm sitting on my fat butt and typing away here, and I was just writing about a bit of a sad moment here that takes place between two of my characters. There was some dialogue back and forth, yadda, yadda, yadda, and I scrolled back to a much earlier chapter to reference an event that had taken place earlier that one of my guys was talking about. I just wanted to keep my information accurate, right? Well I came across a different chapter told through the point of view of the same character and realized that there was something that occurred that was DEFINITELY supposed to be addressed later but, because I write somewhat sporadically and have a horrible memory, never was. I fixed the problem (I think) and everything was completely fine, but UGH I hate it when that happens! It's great when you catch it and sew up that figurative little hole (that sounds weird, so sorry), but it just makes me wonder what ELSE I have missed. I think that's just a sign that I need to pay more attention to what I write...

That, or I could just go back and do some editing. I like going back and reading over my own stuff sometimes, but right now I am just like meh. That was a reeeaaally eloquent way to articulate my feelings, but  whatever. I have work (my arch enemy) to do.


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